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Being a free soul

Updated: Nov 29, 2022

Being a “conspiracy theorist” - A Short guide

This “short summary” could be an exhausting list of to-do and not-to-do, but it is far shorter than it probably should be. I am just writing what springs to my mind that deems fit and necessary, so that we all get somewhere to start. I have written a couple of “short summaries” in the past, but this one is definitely one of the most fun, though in hindsight - not too short. It also has the likelihood of being very useful, if applied wisely.

This guide is dedicated to a friend and a classmate who I grew up with in IS-RA-EL. He was already there for 11 days in a steamy hot August, before I finally passed through the birth canal, and is one of the few free spirits I know, making the first steps into awakening.

While some of us people on this earth have, for a long time now, been more conscious than others, the vast majority around here is still in deep coma, self deception, or a combination thereof. People struggle to make sense of the nonsense afflicted upon us from the minions, so-called “Authorities” (NOT in my book, they’re not) and the mass-media puppets. And like a normal Gauss curvature, most of us are somewhere in between.

The term “conspiracy theorist” is borrowed hereby ever so briefly for the title above from the CIA, who coined it in order to stamp anyone who sees through their questionable, or dark and clandestine operations, for what they are in reality land. Stamped as unserious and/or paranoid, the ignorant majority thinks “this one is a fruit cake”, and anything coming out of “this one” is regarded as unreal, improbable and unworthy of looking into.

Not before recently, Oh-so-standard myself (for the most part) has become even more curious, and after filtering for biases and improbabilities, it turns out that some conspiracies are real, and has been going on since long before the term was spewed, as to deflect our attention, with some success.

Well, not anymore.

Conspiracies have been driven also by those agencies who coined the term. Conspiring and deflecting attention is slay and clever, as long as people are ignorant enough to dismiss them as “normal environmental noise”, but as soon as people start seeing the patterns, which are repeated, then the fog starts clearing.

Indeed, one of the main roles for the governmental agencies is to create distractions and propaganda.

But some folks have been “in the Know” for a while, not the least of which - people with insider information, who wanted to blow the whistle, or perhaps were too scared to. But with the internet and as the collective consciousness grows, the truth comes out, masks are taken down and all excrement makes its way up to the surface.

This is where we are at and the process has just begun.

Being somewhat ordinary, less than generic, not a very revolutionary guy, but who tends to think freely, and quite original at times too, I have still kept a facade of relative normalcy, whatever it means, especially to myself. Though, I haven’t been lying to anyone per se, nor to myself, about striving for “normalcy”.

I have always, ever since childhood, deduced to myself that being weird is not always beneficial and I need to act at least a bit normal, so that people around me still can relate to me without writing me off as too weird, even though I got that too.

The current state of affairs prescribes normalcy at any price (to self dignity and honesty), and it seems to me that weirdness is being misjudged as “not cool” by prejudice and it is very hipp-hipp to be standard and “normal”. I get it - nowadays, everything and anything has the potential to hurt someone’s feelings.

Normal people get jobs more readily and are respected for being “politically correct”.

On the other hand, “Special”, original and colorful people (personality, not skin), are regarded as “not cool”, a strange misfit or even dangerous, since we speak our truth and take pride in being special and genuine.

Well, good morning to y'all: everybody is special.

Unless you’re a clone, that is. And there are quite a few of you still running around.

Things change and normalcy is becoming a term that I gradually do not want to use for describing what is preferable for anyone and definitely not for everyone.

War of information - what should we believe? Take note, don’t swallow anything

Relying on mass media and “fact-checkers” has helped to mislead you and me to where we are currently. It is not just wrong and false, and wrong; it is in this day and age quite frankly stupid, foolish (unless you have a need to stay in the wrong, in ignorance - for self/ego preservation?).

No one is going to save you but you, yourself.

It is by now safe to say that if you hear something that doesn’t add up, it is probably false. If any information is not logical, it means it is a “program”, and there are LOTS of them running on us, and probably even more on the higher positions in society (explicitly on those who are human).

Check the data yourself, by going on the internet and researching. If something is fact-checked by mass media puppets, take note of this, and most probably, it is the total opposite that is true.

WHY to check your info - Fact is fiction and fiction is fact

According to Universal law, those who wish to make someone else conform to their own will must inform the others, or the whole populace, of what will be done in advance. This has to do with free will choice, as without consent - informed consent - no individual can make a sound decision as to how anything benefits him/her and willfully accept what is being done onto them and comply freely.

Read this pamphlet about Consent

But Informed Consent of the populace and complying willingly to anything is obviously a very loose term, and this is where we are at right now - we are being forced to do a bunch of crazy stuff we would never agree to be doing.

Just by being uninformed and lied to, we are coalesced into compliance without consent, against our will.

Simply because someone has decided for us, said so, made up a set of rules (most of which we never agreed upon), it doesn't mean we need to comply. Being ignorant, too easily fooled will unequivocally have consequences, and has ultimately duped us into becoming enslaved.

Normally, to my understanding, people should be able to remember their past lives, but are blocked in their psyche, through hampering the DNA or another mechanism. From what I gather, this barrier saves many people from remembering traumas and disasters, which on this planet have been plentiful. Some people do remember some previous life experiences, due to a “glitch” in their programming, or by becoming more aware and overcoming the programming. I am not one of these people (yet anyway), but dreams can tell the tale, e.g. repeating themes like drowning or getting suffocated in a small room, which may be indicative of past experience.

Without long-term memory, we are subject to lots of old tricks that still hold for as long as we cannot recall them from previous times.

Tragedies, wars and pandemics (potent and thoroughly prepared, patented viruses), etc may be repeated but with a few generations in between. And who would recall that there was a very similar occurrence 100 years ago, if no one who lives now was alive then? And when all records have been removed?

Informing the population

As mentioned, the Universal Law of free will requires occupants to declare what they are about to inflict on the populace in advance, so people “have the chance to comply out of free will”.

However, it is done in code, if at all (yes, these entities cheat a lot too).

We are never told that things are going to get worse, that normalcy becomes “the new normal”, ownership is reduced to minimum (a la Klaus Schwab), and we are doomed to slavery, eugenics, mass-murder and any of the things people seem to be fine with in current time, oh be it ever so slowly so no one notices anything.

We don’t stand a chance, unless we say no. That we do not consent, we do not comply and we demand to be free, as Universal law of free will is valid.

We have to decipher the coded message.

What the fiction is showing, even the so-called “science fiction'', is based on truth (and old tech too), and what the mass media tells us is fraudulent and misleading. Just never take anything at its face value. Follow your heart, your gut feeling and all your senses to decipher and discern what is valid and what is “perhaps” and what is clearly false.

Follow the money.

I heard that from several people, some of whom are free journalists, who know this rule of thumb instinctively, and frankly, it is a very simple logic. In order to discern what is valid and what is idiotic nonsence and all in between, sometimes it is favorable to look into who is gaining (leverage, power, money etc.) from what has occurred, what is happening and who might be the beneficiary, if a certain event is pulled off.

Don’t trust what your intuition says NO to.

We are told to trust “God” and believe in “his guardianship” and “trust the plan” bullshitery - all we need to do is to have faith in something or someone who might be watching our backs and working for our best interest.

If we, on the other hand, have some thinking capacity left, we may understand that “God”, “the Lord”, whatever entity it represents, has never ever worked for our benefit, and if something came out of whack, it was up to us to get out of trouble, by actively making tough decisions, watch our own back and get help from other caring people around us.

Any kind of “chosen people” in the world can attest to how bad it turned out to be when they trusted their god, trusted the plan, the president or the representative in power.

In my humble opinion, and I am glad I am not alone on this - we better wake the F*** up, stop complying to stuff that never ever served us, that we never agreed upon, never liked and would never do unless we would have been force-fed all of this indirectly.

Freedom might mean a future full of joy to some of us.

Freedom means, however, a lot of other things too.

If we are ever to become free, it means a whole heap of other things we need to undertake. It means taking personal responsibility, it means maturity and taking decisions by ourselves, and not letting ourselves the easy choice of blindly following tricksters. We cannot - and as soon as we understand it fully and thoroughly: we WILL not - be letting any of those people in power make decisions for us, most of which have been proved wrong and unsuitable, and best made alone. This is tough work for some of us, those who need to become grown-ups for a change. Read this article about Maturity.

The bottom line is to start pondering on “what is wrong with this picture”, start making your own decisions, that resonate better with your true core (read this on “the Antenna”, or how to better come to terms with truth, falsehood, and who you really are at your core), grow up a pair and take responsibility for yourself. You are NOT alone, you do not have to believe all these facades, and you start seeing through the smoke when you realize you have to, in order to feel really free and have true power.

What does it mean to have power?

Well, you have power... You just need to learn to retain it.

Seeing through the bullshit is fundamental.

Becoming independent, or interdependent as a part of a collective, a network of independent caring, sharing and loving people, who will look after you as you look after them. Retaining your power implies making it imperative to have your own thoughts, and have your own twist to someone else’s thinking. It implies never letting yourself take the (in appearance) easy, passive option, where you let someone or something else than you, to take the decision. Actively deciding is tough but pays its dividends always because it implies that you are the one to take action, to blame if things go south and also the one who can be proud of being in charge and achieving all you have achieved.

Being needy and dependent on the outcome, for instance - of someone else’s decision, has ALWAYS backfired on me. A personal tip is to always have choices, so no one can force you into a bad-or-worse dilemma.

Where to look for information

There are a few resources that can or might be regarded as plausible around in the alternative media, such as websites, videos in sites like bitchute, rumble, brighteon, to name a few. The bulk of the sources are infiltrated by agencies and enormous, greedy companies, including (though not exclusively) google and all their subsidiaries, like youtube and facebook.

Sorry to bust your bubble.

And it is imperative to check also other resources and refrain from believing anything and everything that is being said anywhere. At the end of the day, I personally think that the important stuff is seldom new and new stuff is seldom important, especially when knowing that mass-media is simply crap.

If it doesn’t matter that much, you don’t have to decide on the spot whether to believe or to ignore. Just leave it on the shelf for a while and check some other sources, and the truth will uncover its face eventually. Sooner or later you will develop your wings and start flying by yourself, and see the big picture. Until then, a feeling might guide you.

Who cares if the universe is holographic, earth is flat or hollow and someone said that meat is lowering your vibrations? In this reality, “Eat or be eaten” applies. Plants are living things, as well as cows, gazelles, insects, rodents and bacteria. And our earth too.

I use my intuition and my feeling for temperaments, as well as what has been always working for me - a nose for seeing through facades, and especially sensing if someone is not genuine. I cannot always tell if any “Babushka” has many facets in it but I can usually tell if someone has a false facade.

When I was acquainted with the internet back in the 90s, Alta-Vista was the go-to search engine. Then it became google. Nowadays, I know that the usual stuff can be found on all search engines more or less but if something is even just a little tiny bit controversial - it will be made gone by google; it needs to be searched for by other means.

Thanks google for making all these easy to use tools, all free, so google can data-mine all of us and use our money (yes, we pay for it indirectly), governmental money (agencies) and commercials to make us depended on it, but now it’s time for the wake up call.

  • use another browser or an alternative web search engine to look for information, as some of the websites are banned and will not show in a normal search. Tor is one of those search engine

  • youtube is not showing anything that resembles even remotely something that is controversial and can eradicate the position of people in power, so don’t expect it, ever. Just as much as mass-media. If you have ever wanted to hear any of the information pieces that are definitely true, but controversial, through these information channels, you may as well give up. These people and entities have too much to lose and all the power they need to stifle the important information so it suits the narrative.

  • Many free speakers are banned on a daily basis from all the general channels and revert to using alternative sites, and often need to switch server provider just to keep information available.

A word on vigilance and accepting violence and aggression:

There will hopefully come a time when we can take our guards down. Right now it is not the time, as it is a war - mostly information war (yeah, right... Tell that to the "commoners" in take-your-pick - Ukraine of instance), but nonetheless. When the times will come and we can bury the hatchet, please leave the handle up, so to speak, because it’s always a good thing to remember that the universe is better balanced by mostly good, and light, and some evil, or dark - the good will caress you, pamper you, while the evil compel you to stay sharp, so you don’t get too comfortable.

To summarize,

Someday we will be free, but until then, we need to understand on a deep level what it entitles us to and retain the power instead of giving it all away, and it starts with you.

Update (Tuesday, the 29th of november, 2022)

I have got the honor to answer a question - a very good one, that surely puzzles many people.

Here it goes:

What about my loved one? My spouse or my ___ (fill in the blank)...

What I know to be true or to be plausible is not at all, or not yet feasible to him/her and I feel like I am alone in this, not knowing myself what is right or wrong, and being in the forefront of truth-bearing is sort of "cissifus task", or so it seems nowadays. I want his/her to be with me on this, support each other, be able to tell our children the same stuff, and even talk about it.

The answer?

We are not alone.

But each and every one has his/her own journey, a path to tread. And we can walk together, hand by hand, or in group even... Or even alone for a while.

But we all have our own development and this is a journey within oneself. And you need to make your own choices. Your spouse/partner/___ has to make the choice and the leap of faith, the intuitive, curious, perhaps dangerous, decision to trust oneself and take responsibility for it all the way. Because "this is my own path to tread". There is no easier way to put it. But courage is paramount and without the courage to decide and judge and make choices.

This is the essence of being alive. Making choices and decisions. alone, all the time.

Luckily, I am blessed with a spouse that understands, or at least trusts me and my way of going about this gigantic sea of information and mostly disinformation.

But this trust and respect is definitely nothing that is or ever has been easily gained.

So if you get the urge to explain (a question is posed, or you feel the need to open the horizon of your loved one/s) - Please, for the benefit of everybody

- Don't push.

- Don't try too hard

- Don't get into discussions that will become a lose-lose conflict

- Don't be patronizing or arrogant about it, it's not a selfish thing you intend to accomplish anyway.

Some people confess to the ability to tune in to their physical body and actually feel if something is true or false. I am not one of these people yet, even though I feel that my physical body gets signals that are still trapped somewhere, or blocked.

This is where personal development comes into this picture - just believe that all these alleged "supernatural" abilities in fact are not supernatural at all. As soon as a certain level of personal development is reached, these abilities start to show up in life. Everyone will have their different sets of mental abilities and it will feel as natural as "some people are good at drawing and some are better at sciences" or any combination thereof.

Just don't push. And great power requires great responsibility.

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