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  • ohadinbar5

The Divine Antenna

The Human Body - The connection to Creation’s own IoT (Internet of Things)

There are a few so-called “buzz-words”, used in popular vocabulary, commonly seen in the alternative media, such as meditation and spirituality, or being spiritual, which I prefer to avoid, or rather, take with a whole heap of salt. Personally I see them (from my view point) as grossly misused and abused for various purposes, not the least of which - for distraction and confusion.

Being a technical guy, previously not too much into woo-woo stuff, I prefer to address some of these terms in a technical way, as this is technical, though not very commonly regarded as such, due to us humans on this earth, planet Midgård, being at an early stage of development - collectively speaking anyway. Not very far from stone age...

One of the latest shows of September 2022 from the has got me contemplating on an adjacent subject - the so-called Pondering virus, or meme.

I feel myself plagued sometimes with despair, with worrying (how we can build a prosperous future) - the closest thing to fear as I can get nowadays, and doubts, even self-doubt.

I see self-doubt as a mind virus too, a destructive force, when we actually have pretty great intentions, which we would like to manifest.

The brain, and the conscious mind residing in it (and perhaps around it too) are our processing unit, but not the only one.

We all know people, perhaps even the one you look at in the mirror, who are always inside their head. And our conscious mind is indeed a continuous flow of content. Some of the thoughts are important, others are definitely not, some thoughts are within “normalcy” range, others are seriously outlandish, fantastic, sickening and/or horrible - according to our psychological make-up.

This content of our mind might be important stuff, serious and crucial decisions, while other content is definitely junk, or messages from the “shadow” - the “unaccepted” part of us, which we continuously “lock in the closet” - i.e. choose to ignore and/or repress.

As we are in charge of our thinking process, and since we cannot hold more than one thought process at once, we are constantly exchanging the thoughts, or the threads, as to try and do things simultaneously and achieve more in a world that seems to favor high performance and fluidity.

Yeah, I've heard of multitasking, and met people who think they can manage it. Of course multitasking is possible and normal, necessary even, but not for the conscious mind. This one has its rhythm, fluidity, and the capacity to process only ONE thought at a time, though exchanging the threads rapidly without losing tempo or information is an acquired skill, and can be trained.

We do have neurons elsewhere in the body, which correspond to different information channels and ways we can think, even processing units (very much like embedded systems in machinery).

There are a lot of nerves to/from the intestines and the abdomen, as to connect with the gigantic internet of the microbiome consciousness - quite a significant factor in the thinking processes. Keeping a good, healthy microbiome is paramount for healthy thinking, peace of mind and temperament.

We also have neurons in the heart and I interpret these neurons as not the only way we can connect the thought process to the heart, where the biggest “star'' (energy center, also called chakra) resides in our body.

Nerves, and the electric signaling going through them, are far too slow for some of the thought processes going through the body. Some of the signaling in the body may go through other channels, made of the water in the body. It has been proven that even when some nerve channels are cut off by an injury, some of the control functions are still maintained to the limb, which contradicts common knowledge. Consciousness is flowing through water, so called living water.

Our conscious thought process is merely the tip of the iceberg, and there is still much to discover about all the other dimensions, playing an important role (even though the general population around here is not aware of it) in our thought processing and our conduct - i.e. what we actually do, in contrast to what we think or what we want.

What if - our heart is the contact to Source, and the antenna to AND from the environment, the collective consciousness in our world - where we are, and all we can encompass with our own consciousness?

What if it works as follows:

Our conscious mind is the processing unit - the conscious thinking process.

With our conscious thinking process we create our intentions - regardless of whether we want it to happen, long for it, fear for it, worry about it, or think of it in any shape or color.

Our feelings and emotions are the energy that sets all of our intentions in motion.

This is what is being broadcasted into the Ether as what we want, what we approve of, what we consent and what we eventually manifest (the law of attraction -sounds familiar? It is not the only law).

The heart, and its antenna role, are not just a sending unit, but also a receiving unit, of lots of information from the Ether, from others, from the surrounding and ultimately from Source, “the Infinite Intelligence” in the writings of Napoleon Hill. I hear some nations call it “The Is-ness”.

Since our heart is a receiver too, we are subject to many other “messages”, information, feelings, energies, intentions and other interferences from others, even so called thought viruses, and memes (some sent intentionally).

Therefore, it is paramount to

  1. study carefully what we usually think and contemplate on, and doing shadow work is a big part of it - the integration of our being split into different modes, even different personalities, that act and react in a manner which is not conducive to our thought process and our intentions

  2. perform careful judgment and discernment of useful versus surplus information, mind viruses, memes and energy, as to make sure our intentions and thoughts are aligned with our goals and purpose, minimize interference with superfluent junk and outright malevolent influences.

  3. Make sure we always, or at least most of the time, have our attention in the right place, “keep our minds on the ball”, so as not to let surplus junk disturb our “message to the universe”.

  4. Keep the system clean, by spiritual work, meditate (aka come to, and be in contact with oneself), a bit like an antivirus/anti-malware system in a traditional computer system.

In summary, our bodies are a piece of very delicate, and also robust equipment. It is in essence a marvelously complex and highly developed, organic computing unit. Our body is designed for tapping Source energy, enabling personal and collective achievement. Particularly for us individually, in concert with all the aforementioned - a divine antenna for communication with the Infinite Intelligence and for uploading and downloading information, thoughts and intuitions.

Our ability to create and manifest is told to be the truly untapped resources we humans have and regardless whether you believe it or not just yet, if you can ponder on your conduct and what you as a being have been experiencing, you might start seeing patterns between what and how you used to think and what you manifested in your life.

You might discover there are lots of parallels between what happened and what had been going on in your mind previously, and start realizing - it has been up to you all along.

And what was not up to you, and been done to you?

Most of what has happened has served you in some way, sometimes in a very weird manner, in order to bring you the things you actually wished for and intended. Or in order to teach you a valuable lesson. Either way, it is done for you, not against you.

There is a saying: “Be careful what you wish for - it might come true”.

My dialect of it? - Be aware of your intentions - This is what you’re going to get, but often with a twist”.

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