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  • ohadinbar5

The Elephant in the Room

“Caesar is naked”

This article was originally in the “Health and Fitness” section of my website, and has been moved here, as this is a more appropriate place for this kind of pondering.

How can anyone discuss health without mentioning the bizarre thing going on right now around the world? The “pandemic”, or much better named as the “Plandemic”, is man-made. Pandemics in general, including the “Spanish” flu (born as a vaccine in the USA) have been man-made, all along. Yes, including AIDS and Ebola.

There is a lot to gain from a pandemic for ruthless creatures who want to gain power, or its monetary equivalent in some cases, depopulation, and taking the lead into something by creating it in the first place…

We are governed by psychopaths who control the puppets in politics, who gain all there is to gain by having us, all the rest, in the state of fear and the reduction of the human being into sheep.

Hey… There is nothing wrong with sheep. I like them in various ways.

Unless you’re born human and should know better.

I can imagine that some people might not agree with this.

The colloquial term, brought to us by the psychopaths who really don’t care about what we care about, is a conspiracy theorist (sounds almost as bad as terrorist, even if it is exactly the opposite).

I understand that, since I am far from being stupid or a lunatic, but I do see some things that simply do not make any sense, and have the courage to question them, as opposed to someone who doesn’t, who is to me a compliance freak or a complicit, and I cannot decide which is worse.

A “Compliance Freak” is what I call someone who gets “bitch-slapped” in the face with a brick of truth, and still won’t wake up.

If it applies to you, it’s not your fault, unless you are human, not a sheep, and have a brain with human capacity. Because if it is the case, it is mostly up to you to be able to judge things in a less-than-automatic manner, like humans can and should do.


If I haven’t hurt your delicate feelings all too much, mercy on your soul - then by all means, read on...

You might ask yourself:

“But please, why on earth would the leaders of the human society want to cut down human rights, enslave humans, depopulate (WHAT??? ARE YOU NUTS???) the earth, do sadistic, horrifying things to brothers and sisters of the human race?”

The answer is:

Why not?

Not because they are forced to by an evil virus (from whatever lab it came from) or a fake pandemic, but because they just don’t care. Religious people refer to non-religious people as beasts, and beasts are to be treated as such, a low life hick-up of the Creation.

Some potent brains would argue that psychopaths are not exactly humans, but more like reptilians, who lay eggs and then “rely on nature” (which they don’t think about) that the offsprings, are born with a set of skills (by the blueprint of the species) that saves them from death (by a family member even) and let them propagate and reproduce.

Psychopaths, like reptilians, don’t have the capacity to empathize like humans, but they can act empathic for the sole purpose of manipulating others - pick our brain and exploit us for our “weakness”, our “weak, human empathy”. That’s how parasites pray on ALL others, even their own sometimes - they just don’t care.

So if you think - it’s impossible to imagine such atrocities - then you are right. Unless you are a psychopath.

Hopefully, what I hear is true, and some very potent good-natured forces are on the verge of gaining the overhand and soon, we will be able to enjoy (the ones of us who survive the struggle, that is) a much better world.

I don’t really care if you believe it or not, but the universe is nothing without a consciousness entering it, so just consider what I’ve written here - there are other options.

There are options to everything you’ve had to experience in this gigantic fraud.

Now, the people of Israel, or Germany, where many of my beloved ones live, have had few less options than I do, living in Sweden, where the sheepish behavior is on a whole different level any way, in all generality anyway.

“The whole of Sweden bakes” (Hela Sverige bakar) program is definitely a good example - “The Whole of Sweden takes the Jab” could be the motto of the day, as the case may be.

Again, sorry if I hurt anybody’s feelings but hey, this is how it is.

Without paraphrasing David Icke too much, he actually puts it very bluntly.

In essence: I’m not having it.

Just say no.

No to the masks. They won’t help you. A virus is about 0.12 micron in size, whereas the masks, even the best ones, won’t protect you against. It is literally like trying to protect yourself against a bullet with a tennis net. Viruses are airborne and spread like smoke, not like tennis balls. Ask the medical professionals, they should know that.

The masks cause serious damage to dignity, to closeness, to society and personal freedom, and are a prime growing factory for other pathogens, not to mention that they could contain dangerous substances that reach your skin and your respiratory system, and now your health is compromised in a host of ways. You are a host, indeed.

No to the PCR-test. This is actually the bearer of many facets of this insanity. The test is DESIGNED to give a false positive, which has obvious repercussions, like scaring us into compliance (Since we are told so by the mainstream narrative) that we could be a bearer of the pandemic pathogen, even though we may think that nothing is wrong with us.

You are conveniently (for the psychopaths in leading this) led to see yourself as a murderer in disguise to your elderly parents for a moment. an appealing thought, right? No, it’s awful.

But in fact, there is no infection without symptoms, there have never been. It’s all fear mongering, with the soul purpose of inducing to us, our children, our colleagues, everybody, the (truly infectious and poisonous) feeling of guilt:

if any of our elderly and loved ones would die of this virus because we were the bearers of the “disease” without symptoms, unaware of being “contagious”.

No to the jab, or the sequel, or the next sequel. Regardless of what the common narrative in the media says, or any of the main psychopaths (Fauci, Gates, WHO… ). There are other cures (all of which are suppressed for the public, or villainized) for any of these flu viruses. Like Vitamin D, Zinc, HydroxyChloroquine, etc. These work, and have been working since many years, several decades, only to be villainized in recent months. Failing to take these measures, if you are sick, will give you this (and for most people, mild) flu.

Sounds dangerous, ha?..It should, because this virus family was created to hurt people, differently according to genome (remember "Human Genome Project"?), and was patented since 20 years or so. Fortunately for us, viruses are alive and changing. They attenuate, hence becoming more infectious and less deadly, to a normal, healthy immune system, that is.

But getting this experimental agent in your body will not make you immune, will not prevent infection or save others, and above all, it cannot be undone. Do it at your own risk, since the manufacturer has been granted ZERO liability, years ago. Which I hope they will be held accountable for, and pay dearly for all loss of life and livelihood, if/when someone can clean this mess.

I have gathered this information from different sources, not much out of thin air.

You should not believe me and my stories - please look around, check, and make your own assumptions, and you won’t get this suggestion from the main media route.

We don’t live in a vacuum, and my world - even though it does not include much TV or social media, nowadays even less than before - is not just the usual stuff you find on first look in a google search.

Finding the right information usually requires discerning and filtering information, connecting dots and searching for signs of misguidance and deception. And some rules apply.

if you don’t understand what’s going on, follow the money

Who would benefit from the outcome - this is the hallmark of modern society, very unfortunate for most of us, but there is hope.

If Someone tries to conceal, hide information, villainize, color it, call it “conspiracy theory”, censoring information, changing old books to hide information from the public, etc etc - these are signs that some truth is lurking somewhere and some dark forces want it to be left out from common knowledge.

And this phenomenon has never (in my life anyway) been so blatant as nowadays.

​The whole invented, fraudulent so-called crisis, the “plandemic”, is based on malevolent plans to gain yet more control over resources. Censuring and misinformation of gigantic proportions is easy for the small group of individuals, and a part of the biggest crime against humanity, indeed.

Last Words on the Giant Pink Elephant in the Room,

So... Do you think I’m crazy?

Yet again. Anybody has the right to think as they wish, without being judged as an idiot (by whom??), or crazy, and why would any normal human being become “a conspiracy nut”?? Out of her/his own will?

And.. What would I gain from it?

Stamp me as naive. Or paranoid. “Where is my proof that things are not the way the main media is trying to sell us?” “What if any of it is true?” “Do I have evidence?” Do you have any?

And can you attest to something else? Sometimes, the only thing to rely upon is a gut feeling, or what rings true. If you believe anything, you're naive. If you believe in nothing, then you should try to loosen up your skepticism a notch. You might just learn a thing or two. There's a healthy middle ground. Remember: regardless of whether lots of people say one thing and just one say another, it does NOT mean that the majority is right.

No disrespect meant, but still: wake up.

​I did. I woke up.

First, years ago, when I heard (from multiple sources) of zero-point energy, or so-called Energy from the Ether, a gigantic sea of energy.

Then I got the “Pre-diabetic” diagnosis (like a ton of bricks in my face, I might add) and went low-carb, even if common opinions said back then (2008) that it wouldn't hold, it's boring, not sustainable for human, who “absolutely need carbs” and could never live without some bread and a cinnamon bun, the Scandinavian “kanelbulle”, or any of the other duck-food around - what a horse shit, really…

After that, it became a continuous flood of evidence that most, if not all, of what we are taught at school and in the university is seriously flawed or down right wrong.

Now I am pretty much convinced that most of our so-called “common knowledge” is misleading, or a deliberate fraud. A fraud to make us sick, dependent and stupid.

In order to find more real references, try to search also outside Google, most real information is censored, but look for outliers.

With regard to the Plandemic, I woke up during the spring of 2020 by seeing that things don't add up.

Here are a few examples of people that, just looking how they talked, their temperament, their “energy” and their attitude, made me think that they should be credible enough to skip the nonsense game:

Thomas Williams at THI-Show is IMHO credible, and others like Dr. Lee Merritt, lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, any of Jerry Day’s videos in (kind of easy to grasp), America’s Frontline Doctors, and many, many others.

Please note:

I am not religious and I am not taking any sedative and mind altering substances.

Never had the “chip” in my brain to get seriously drunk, let alone doing it regularly (So.. sorry.. Beer and football are just not my cup of tea).

Believing I have an awesome brain, I have always taken the pleasure of using my brain.

Yeah, the mind power that doesn’t seem to have a need for a radio, since I have music in my head all the time, including my sleep sometimes.

Yeah, that thinking machine that turns names and phonetics into colors, that gives me pictures and diagrams when pondering on a system or a conundrum, yeah the one brain that gives me the solutions I need (and don’t need).

Thank you, brain :-)

Do you have one too? Use it.

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