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Post: Welcome
  • ohadinbar5

Thank You TW

Dear TW,

I have recently been listening to your show, the “From His-Story to Our Story” part 2, and I feel myself filled with joy when I hear of how precious, though undermined and lured we humans have been, and how - when this ordeal is over - we are no longer susceptible to such things ever again. At least not as susceptible.

Of course, “never ever” is a long time, so - unless we succeed in remembering the lessons of the past - the darkness might eventually reach the level of challenging the light again in this sector of our living universe.

The Dark Forces have used their wisdom (never underestimate how thorough your adversary, the parasite, has studied you) and forged the technique to use our weaknesses and our own traits against us.

But until the next time it happens, we may have the chance - not the privilege (since we are entitled by the universal law of free will) - to live freely, and come to our full potential, along with the utter responsibility to use it wisely.

And this - as you state in the referenced show (FHSTOS part 2) - will make this universe a realm that can be revered and controlled (ultimately also protected) by the power of the mind. Now, THAT is something to look forward to.

Speaking of the current state of affairs, I can only feel overwhelmed, with goosebumps and tears of joy, when I am filled with this divine happiness. But I am looking forward to the time when all this current ordeal with the Dark is behind us and nonetheless, remains as a contrast and a point of reference of what we have made all of this resistance for, to help us appreciate what we have.

I want to thank you for this particular piece and for joy and inspiration your work brings, for showing a way (not THE way, since everyone has choice and more than one way), for instilling me with not just hope, but to create hope, give others hope, to create on my own and inspire others too.

I am proud of being a part of something like this campaign of the Light, to recreate a happy realm to roam and evolve.

It is something remarkable - to not be someone who is humble “just want to make a living”, but even more altruistic and humble - want to do my best for the betterment of humanity, so we all can enjoy a living, without the need to step on others for pieces of paper and metal, and fresh-air tokens.

I would very much like to not just make a living, but to contribute with my own energy, to a worthy cause - with healing people, inspiration, creativity, teaching and learning how to love and how to endure and overcome (not ignore) the dark viruses of fear, anger, despair, ego, doubt and the control of others, to name a few.

I am proud of going side by side with you and all the other beautiful souls, and being of service and perhaps even inspiration.

If you ever come by, through the geographic distance, by foot, by flight or by spacecraft (In case you have it), you are surely invited for a cup of freshly brewed, freshly roasted coffee, if nothing else.

And in return, I would like to be considered as a true friend.

Imagine the irony of befriending a Jew-boy (as much a “Jew” as I have ever been…Not.. Hahaha) - but don’t be hard on yourself.. Even my mother has always seen me as different.

PS: Oh.. And if you happen to have one more spare spacecraft - I’ve gotta have me some of that (said in a Southern US accent), since we like to travel, and I’d rather do it without attracting attention.. and why would anyone like to travel stealth style, when all “the Jones’s” have a Tesla car for their BLING-BLING charade?...Until the battery is out of order..

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