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  • ohadinbar5

Disclosure - partial, but nonetheless...

Updated: Dec 3, 2021

I have recently listened and viewed several alternative media sources telling about what is happening in, on and right outside our planet and our neighborhood (in galactic terms).

I have considered this information in mild eagerness and I am in the process of processing it.

The information has to do with what is more likely to be happening here, why, the big picture and also how plausible this story (as opposed to "his-story", i.e. the conqueror's story) of our species actually is. What and why recent events (or looks like a far closer version of something factual than the common narratives we've all heard and indoctrinated with all our lives) have happened to us, why everything looks so chaotic in recent times, the false flags (conflicts stemming from nowhere shattering "news" for no particular reason, financial "crises", pick your choice), including the fraud called "Pandemic", and all wars in the recent thousands of years.

We are apparently on the brink of a very drastic change in our lives on this planet, and it might mean the end of it but, on the other hand, it could mean the utopia we have all been dreaming of, or haven't had enough fantasy to dream of, at least every now and then. Or something in the spectrum between something fantastic and something horrific.

What could we dream of? Abundance, freedom, prosperity (to all, not just a few), society based on love, cooperation, caring and sharing, where the sky is not the limit, but your own creative faculty. From what I have gathered so far, in certain places around the cosmos, this is not a Utopian dream but rather kind of everyday reality. And the comparison renders our situation something between almost bearable or even nice at best - to miserable, or outright slavery at worst.

Does it sound too good to be true? Yes, agreed... Unless you realize that we need to do something for it. We need to change, big time. And grow up, from the child-like, egoistic approach toward something much more advanced. As humans and as a race.

We need to embrace change, take responsibility for ourselves and our world, expand our consciousness, and then our horizon, accept that we are still very primitive in comparison to others in this universe (and others in the bigger cosmos) and need to learn A LOT, and accept some very inconvenient truths with regard to very basic belief systems that keeping us enslaved - money, "God" and religion, "governments" and politics, and many other myths.

I am the one with a lively fantasy but not (yet, anyway) the one with the psychic abilities to view these informations first hand.

But I would definitely recommend to look into material from others.

Most of such information cannot be found on "Go-oogle" or any other mainstream media, but can be found on other platforms than Google's owned platforms, i.e. NOT on Fakebook, youtube (the censored tube), and the like. If you want to find anything else than "common" stuff (as in the junk we get stuffed with), it might be difficult since many things are not found by common search engines.

Some alternative tubes (Rumble, Bitchute, Odysee etc etc) show what YouTube might have banned.

Some instances which I personally like and see as at least half-way reliable information are THI-show, Kerry Cassidy, Penny Kelly, and others. Just don't forget to take ANY information with a grain of salt.

Regardless whether these folks are telling the truth or part of it, it is far better than anything the corrupt mainstream media could provide, what history we are taught and what future we're facing.

The Reptilians have ruled us since the dawn of humanity version 7.0
A typical shape-shifter could look like a politician to you

The bible is filled with catastrophes and fear mongering, which is very remote from anything divine or god-like. Many sections are alien disclosure in code, but when you know how to read it, it all get much clearer, and very much less holy.

Personally, I am (currently) the only one in my family (that is, my siblings and my parents) who is open to these uncommon ideas, many of them outside common narrative, even though the historic BS I was spoon-fed with during my upbringing had to be shredded to pieces, and I'd rather live with an inconvenient history (which is VERY long, many hundreds of thousands of years, from the Lyrans and the true source of mankind, rather than the apes) and a better future than the somewhat "heroic" history (taking us on a tour of lies, reaching about 6000 years) of the Israelis/Jews/Israelites , along with a very dark future, if any.

A dark future which is being currently unfold in Israel (IS-RA-EL = Isis, Ra, God). Want to check that out?

Take a tour. I wouldn't. Not with COVIDiots all around, and the locals trashing my beloved country.

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