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What's cookin', Duck?

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Post: Welcome
  • ohadinbar5

Be my guest - Just spare the Bonbons

Just so you know:

I will always prefer to come over for a visit, fairly bare-handed, no cute bonbon packs, no useless junk, no flowers… Unless I want to of course, from some reason, as an exception.

And I suggest you do the same…

I will always prefer that you or any other desired visitor will show up and bring some useful intellectual exchange, a stimulating conversation, a social benefit, rather than superficial poker face and superfluent present to satisfy some old-fashion unwritten rule that “good guests” should bring something (materialistic) with them.

If I can choose between a materialistic token of “guests should bring something”, or a good conversation, better atmosphere and wonderful interactions - I would choose the latter any given day, especially if the choice between them is “exclusive OR” (sorry for the potential headache, it’s a logic operator, a programming term).

If you have another agenda, rather than just visiting me/us for the sake of beneficial, win-win social exchange, it will be exposed at some point, so please be honest about it.

We live in a world where everybody can find everything somewhere near home, definitely through ordering from the internet.

The need to bring something with you is seldom valid, unless you know for sure that something you have locally, relatively inexpensive, is a great benefit elsewhere.

Use your brain and remember that buying small useless presents, bought just to fill the need of not coming bare handed, will definitely contribute to environmental decay and will most likely become unappreciated.

There are many reasons to make an exception to this, but not too many good reasons.

Politeness and manners are not expressed by "fine" and phony but with emotionally clean and straightforward.

You can't buy me with presents but with genuine caring, honesty , trust and respect.

That will suffice, and a good sense of humor is a big plus, since any interaction without it will (hopefully) be short.

Guests are welcome.

And if I am the host, there won't be anything more than the usual coffee from the beloved espresso machine, and - depending on the time of the day and your own honest wishes, there's the stuff that I normally have at home. nothing else in particular. Since becoming a low-carb dude, I don't eat sweets, you can't expect me to have such stuff at home, or any other duck food for that matter.

Water. coffee (even freshly roasted). And real food. If it applies.

So welcome to the "dull" side.

PS: I accept I might get some shit treatment for this, but I can handle it.

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