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  • ohadinbar5

2021 - The year we said good-bye

Updated: Aug 30, 2022

Yes! Year 2021 has passed, finally.

And please excuse this rather lengthy piece, but I do have some thoughts to unload.

2021 had the distinct flavor of big changes in its diapers.

Diapers, with the unfortunate scent of excrement. Or is it cadaver?

Perhaps, due to the dying, corrupted corporate (read: co-pirate) controlled world, and a society based on greed and absolute dependence on pieces of paper, called money - the money we all worship, printed as needed by the federal banks regardless of what stands behind the "currency", which is oil, or opium derivatives, at best - and at worst, nothing.

Knowing nothing else, you can endure the scent/stank of the “normal”, the “old” one or the “new” (pick your choice), even ignore it. But things change, and enduring the old world is becoming more of a burden.

A prelude:

But before I go too deep and too far in any rabbit hole (this too, smells like rodent excrement at best) to even consider anything, perhaps some prelude is in order, just to make things a bit clearer:

Where do I get this attitude from? Have I gone completely insane in recent months?

Granted. Some of the articles here in my blog are eccentric. However… If we take anything and everything with a grain of salt - am I onto something?

Being unemployed came about by the end of 2020 when 10% of white collar workforce had to leave Volvo Construction Equipment (aka Volvo CE) in my current home town Eskilstuna, allegedly due to organizational changes. Quite a few good people lost their jobs, among which specialists and people whose knowledge and competencies will be missed for years to come. A rough internal analysis in hindsight concluded that the organization had lost accumulated 500 years of experience, which I suspect is a gross underestimate.

2020 was a good financial year for Volvo and its subsidiary, Volvo CE. After receiving financial help from the state (for keeping us at home due to "Corona restrictions"), and having not too bad financial results, the upper management managed to reward themselves with bonuses in the millions of SEK order of magnitude. Which, in my register, is a clear sign of wealth, not a crisis.

Being laid off from my position (as UX engineer), I got some time freed up.

Beside the two days of painting my house, I have taken several very interesting courses/seminars in Agile/Lean leadership and management, and done some tweaking with linux OS, graphics, web design, python etc.

I managed to get informed about some other interesting things.

Things like: Why is most of our world deranged and why many of us have a deep ingrained feeling that something is totally out of whack. This is a very deep rabbit hole, so to speak.

The alternative media, especially the less censored ones, have had such knowledge, discussions and forums, for the past years, without me ever noticing their existence.

Sometime mid-year 2021, among other jams of useful information elsewhere, I came to know the “Truth, Honor and Integrity Show” (, where hours upon hours of podcasts had been waiting for me to listen to, contemplate on and discern. The material consists of weekly shows (with news pieces, Intel and exposés) and some special shows with special topics, narrated by the show host, Thomas Williams, who from various sources, compiled very deep information, some of which quite disturbing, into 2-3 hours (sometimes longer) episodes.

Listening to the shows, the real story of our planet was uncovered (“From Russia with Love” series), what is happening on our planet when taking off the filters of mass-media, Negative Alien Agenda (NAA) and several related topics (see “Must listen to” series). Most information is so different to what we think we know, that it takes some stretching of imagination to accept what might be real. Most of what we believe we know about history, connecting dots, medicine (which is what kicked me in my face years ago, with regard to blood sugar), wars, energy (as a side dish to NLP, it kicked me in my butt when I heard about Nikola Tesla, years ago) etc, is entirely flawed and/or wrong. Being curious but cautious, my assessment of information is dependent on various factors… who tells me that, why could it be valuable.

All of this is still marked with the status “maybe”. The potential plausibility of any information is one thing, and another thing is if I believe any of this or discard it. These are all legitimate questions, which I have decided to put on the shelf for the time being.

Time will tell.

Current status

After many milestones in their plan, Psychopath Overclass (represented by World Economic Forum, World “Health” Organization and other side-kicks and puppets for entities behind the scene) are trying to regain control and reduce humanity to a slaves and/or power banks. But we humans are to date still living on planet Midgård, and still governed by psychopathic off-world entities, hybrids/shape-shifters and the best/easiest people/politicians money can buy. In all actuality, as in most conspiracies, eventually the minions doing the dirty work are invariably thrown gladly and readily under the bus too, even though they might think they are better.

With regard to religion, my favorite topic to ignore thus far - the entities who have always portrayed themselves as our gods (Yahweh, Jehova, Lucifer, Lilith, Anu, Enki, Enlil etc) have reportedly either left or been removed by a shift in energy, but there are still more than enough greedy minions to run society the same way as previously.

But if you haven't been looking, you might have missed the details…

How the claws of the beast start to come through the fancy silky gloves.

Unless you live in a totalitarian police state like Israel, Australia, Canada, Germany, New Zealand etc. - take your pick (as opposed to Sweden, where “everything is fine”). In that case you must have felt the harsh reality of masks, lock-downs, imprisonments and “you-better-get-the-jab-or-else” type of reasoning.

In a very sick way, someone might be pretty amused by all these easily fooled humans, scared out of their minds and marching willingly in a queue to get (yet another) jab. It gets very bizarre when poor sheeple never skip a breath when some jabbed need evacuation right before their eyes.

Don’t panic, yet.

If you're one of the jabbed, and still prevail this cocktail, there might be chances for you to live a little longer than the prognosis of 2-10 years, until the immune system should expect to fail. Yeah, just like HIV. There might be ways to negate the effect of the havoc-bringing spike protein, the nano-bots and the graphene-oxide, and whatever else these jabs contain, but perhaps the tricky thing is to negate the effects on the reproduction organs and the immune system.

I truly hope for the sake of many people I know, among which dear friends and family members, who got themselves (and their children!) injected with this poison, even just to maintain some kind of "normalcy", the kind of oppressed slavery known to be “normal”.


For those who survive the "Reset", "the New Normal" (or rather the intelligence test), I hope we can pave the way and show the rest of the people, who will invariably will have to wake up at some point, be it on the death bed, that we can build a better world, based on totally different principles, and much more humane.

But it will necessitate that all or most people still alive, will not just wake up, but also grow up and start thinking like grown-ups and take responsibility, if we are to mitigate this happening again, as during the last millennia.

Oh, by the way… Something I have come across in later times:

We do not originate from apes. That’s just elephant excrement.

Sorry to bust your bubble. Humans (in many different sizes, colors and configuration differences) have been landing here, brought here and dumped here, along with not-so-human races and have been living here on Midgård earth for quite a few millions of years, i.e. NOT created from ape-like earthlings.

The entities, self-proclaimed “gods”, have reigned this planet for harvesting its resources in recent millennia, partly due to their ego (the ego is in itself a mind virus), partly for scavenging minerals and quite importantly, to mingle and mix with the genetic pool on this planet, on this arm of the galaxy.

Now it is "Christ" year 2021, or whatever year this is in other calendar systems.

About 15 % of the population, who just won't take too well the programming we’re given, have managed to wake up to the notion that all this has existed in front of our eyes.

For me, I have gathered enough to stay clear of the whole fake "Plandemic" charade, which put me on a route to seeking more information. and The Pandora box has been opened and cannot be unopened again.

Like several times in my life, I have been put in a position where my world has become to small, or my reality rattled, and I need to get out and leave my "cocoon", again, to face reality, bigger and more encompassing,with its inherent dangers and flaws, beauty and possibilities.

This year I have met, mostly online, sometimes in person, several like-minded people, who also see the kind of reality that is disguised behind the (now almost entirely) transparent smoke screen. Some of them have been at least partially) awake for a time, others have just woken up.

Others in my acquaintance sphere have chosen the other path, which is the path of believing the main narrative in the mass media and buying into the trickery and lies, and taking the death jabs, known as the experimental vaccines.

Talking to friends and family, who support jabbing for “reaching normalcy again”, is quite difficult, like discussing god with a religious person, and almost nothing substantial to talk about. Year 2020, with the lock-downs, washing hands with alcohol, masks and "social distancing", has broken or deranged several long lasting friendships for the simple reason that people just "have to" adhere to prescribed "social norms" and rules from governments and agencies, puppets for the “big guys”.

I can't blame anyone for not being awake at first, since it took me some thinking too, so that I was prepared to resist the flow of excrement on main media (which was never interesting anyway), and ignore it all together as the propaganda it is.

But again, during 2021, it was all in our face.

Being off work the whole year 2021, has been the first time in my life for so long.

I have spent my time looking diligently for the next position and getting myself informed, going deep into what lies we have been fed with, and how we are at the point of no-return.

I have also created my website, taken courses in management, Agile Way-of-Work, mingled a bit in LinkedIn, left Fakebook at its censored BS pond, tinkered with Linux, with Python and my Raspberry Pi, gained some muscles and got slightly more lean.

I also got 30 again (read: I've got 50 and I am in absolute denial of my chronological age) and look better, and healthier than in a long while. Yeah, 30-ish indeed.

Just to be clear:

From what I gather… There will be no normalcy again, or a "new normal", in the world as we know it.

All of you, my friends and family, my dear and cherished ones, good neighbors and ex-colleagues - if you read this, please understand:

I keep you with me, close to my heart.

But how can we skip the painful, blatant truth, the giant elephant in the room which you have chosen to ignore?

Why meet and talk about the weather (weaponized, tech-manipulated, arranged and orchestrated by some psychopath-led agencies, like small children playing with fire), about how we celebrated (or rather, not) Christmas, one of the worst "holidays" of the year and the time of year where almost EVERYBODY spin their wheels, and about "How’s it going with job searching".

Regarding day-job:

Year 2021 is definitely the year many things have changed, and I am almost thankful for the foolish "Human Resource" move of putting us, 10% of Volvo, out of work, because it has given me the time to reflect, to ponder on things and to see my world in a different light.

At the time of writing this post, I am not certain when I will find work, but it will be (I need to stay honest and loyal to myself on this), on slightly different terms:

Even if I am to take a day job somewhere in near future, it will be a workplace that will let me either:

  • thrive, as much as the old world can allow (No honest efforts are ever lost, so even obsolete tech can allow growth, be it internally)

  • adjust myself and satisfy my customers’ needs Customers are: peers, workleader, end-customer, no specific order.

I will keep my principles, my core values, my adherence to truth and my way of treating people respectfully, but I will attempt keeping a larger chunk of my personal sphere outside of my work sphere, since it seems most people are just not equipped with the “chips”, tools or courage to handle me.

What I can bring to the table this time is a heap of experience of course, along with an almost unprecedented amount of creativity (self-proclaimed, I know, but wait until you see me play). Even these traits, combined creatively, with a big portion of empathy and seeing the big picture, knowing how to zoom in and out, seeing patterns and finding original solutions - are traits which you may look everywhere to find, if you can, because these are really my trademark.

Since I have been listening my former colleagues (who gave me some fantastic insights when I asked for feedback on me as a person and on my work), and my own insights additionally, I will return to the work arena much more relaxed (by knowing we are way behind with technology), significantly better organized, gathered some hints from a few courses of leadership/management (the practice of filling my calendar with the most worthwhile tasks for the day/week helps too), and even more ready to contribute - given the right salary - for the common good (even in case “the common good” doesn’t necessarily match what a mediocre manager would deem fit every time).

Worth to note: Contributing to the common good is nothing strange to me, but being off work makes a person feel the importance of contributing again.

Travel is possible - as long as it excludes jabs, masks and tests.

For now, it won’t fly - I’m not going to do it, as I am not expendable.

For as long as people are hiding behind rules, roles and masks and facades, I am not playing this game anymore. You will hear from me the truth (at times modified to be heard by sensitive or ignorant ears, or slightly diplomatic) or nothing at all.

2021 is the year when most of the world population has been divided into religious COVIDists (read: COVIDiots), one one hand, and on the other hand: all the rest, who have woken up.

I have always had respect for religious people, at least previously in life. This is crucial as it is basic - anyone is entitled to think freely, or even freakish, be it in a smart, useful and creative way, or otherwise. However, knowing what I know and see as correct, it seems more and more like being religious requires ignorance to conflicting information, never think beyond dogmas and perish-rather-than-understand attitude.

Live with your stuck-up ego, and your own choices, because no one can blame anyone for their own choices, whatever they are and however made.

One of my core values is radical honesty and I need to stay loyal to myself, and stay clear of BS. No tolerance for BS.

This is now 2022 and I have big plans for the future.

Again, to my beloved ones who almost never call or never ever visit - what a shame. It has to do with me and you and how we conduct our lives, which has changed significantly, and will keep changing, because there is no going back. There is no “new normal”. None of it will normalize, even after taking all of the injections, wearing masks everywhere, resenting the unjabbed, becoming transhuman and all the excrement you seem to put up with.

"Life progresses, like stepping the stairs upwards. Like an escalator band moving downwards.

Yes, being lazy and standing still is comfortable, but will bring you down, and treading forth can be sometimes difficult or painful, scary or laborious, but you can dance it up, or cry along the way, or have your own twist to it. If you are too comfortable, a coward, or lazy (or let your ego get in the way, so that self-preservation allows no challenges) you stagnate and are left (accompanied by all other bums) with your own crap."

- Ohad Inbar

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