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Post: Welcome
  • Ohad Inbar

Education, Learning and Achievement

The word, “education” is derived from Latin educare, to train, to mold, and educere, to draw out, to lead out.

Education is to me like bringing you up

the speed (by someone else) on doing what you should be doing, and it implies removing the "burden"/right to think and deduct for yourself (learning), and find your path through ambiguity.

I encourage you to conduct a search on the difference, education vs learning.

In my humble opinion? It's a bad word for acquiring knowledge or skill. Why?

  • Inefficient - like attempting to itch your left ear with your right hand. It's doable, but clumsy. That's my opinion. Mentorship is great, as long as it is interactive.

  • Kind of pointless - there are far mor effective ways to learn the chosen skillset than by shoving information into your mouth with a spoon. Training per se has its role in learning, unless it means parroting anything. More often than not, It misses the mark, unless you train to be a follower.

  • Dangerous - could entangle you in limited, dogmatic thinking, which formal education has done for ages, hence we are treading water in terms of technological, spiritual and societal achievements.

I guess most scholars would agree, especially the ones with "higher" academic background, that thinking back on their time at the university, there could have been a better (and by far, cheaper) way to spend time, learn their desired profession, without the flashy degree... Even if prestigious titles of PhD or Herr Diplom-Ingenieur gives a kind of an ego-boost for a second or so.

It is definitely arguable that there are better ways, especially in this day and age, to acquire skills and knowledge.

Having knowledge institutions like universities and academia is a very convenient way to preserve knowledge, conduct research and accumulate human treasures like high achieving, accomplished, smart and skilled people (some of whom are monumental, fantastic people) that might have found their way to the academia institutes, and stayed there for doing what they love (NOT administration).

And while this might be true, those institutes are far too seldom the sources of new achievements and new discoveries, or the home of diverse ways of thinking.

Most breakthroughs and creativity tend to reside outside of academic institutions (due to dogmatic restraints) and big companies (too big to acknowledge individuals, and too scared to take chances).

I didn't realize that until I stumbled upon it myself and noticed that many others have been "in the know" for a long time.

Perhaps we need an adjustment? A shift in society?

It should be a rather radical one, if we want to be able to take some significant leaps forward.

It will render learning, and responsibility too, far more significant than "education" as in training.

And responsibility - that's a whole other territory, which must become one of the pillars of progress, before we ever hope to take any leap forward. Or else, achievement - in any shape or form, can and will bring our demise.

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