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CV - Summary
Beautiful Landscape

Curriculum Vitae


Ohad Inbar

Make Stuff Useful

MSc Mechanical Engineering | Mechatronics | UX



Västra Götaland


Date of Birth:



Ohad Inbar | Make Stuff Useful

An extensive version of how I tend to "operate" professionally can be found here.


With some training in leadership, Agile/lean methods and project management, see recent training and courses, I am ready to facilitate treading forward together, because leading comes natural to me.

My "Dream Occupation", which I try to live up to every day, is making stuff useful, design and re-design the world and its systems to become more useful, sustainable and fun to operate.

My Front-End is mechatronics (as well as programming/function development) User-Centered design and innovation.

Others think of me as dynamic, creative, unafraid to question, great at gathering & visualizing information, tech-savvy and innovative, see solutions rather than obstacles (frustration = I'm gaining momentum), serious and dedicated, good in writing...

"My Itch" is finding faults and pain points, inventing stuff, creating novel solutions, finding the pattern in the chaos.

Culture is to me to have a "Why" - the one who has the "why" will ultimately come up with "how".

The Basics, agriculture operator and technician, "square one", from which I've developed, and eventually outgrown.

Of Moral and Challenge - Face me with a worthy challenge (with a good answer for "why"), and I am a powerhouse...​

The Highlights

Mechatronics & Engineering

User-Centered design of systems, embedded and.. well, everything. Human-in-the-Loop, since the user is why we create stuff. Given a system, find its traits and patterns and make it (more) useful, fun to use and efficient. Mechatronics is an "edge", programming and rapid prototyping, embedded systems, RTOS and system engineering.

As a natural leader, the "why" is crucial, along with Ways of Work - Agile and other methods.

The Artist and Creator

If given time, and a pen, write a poem

When given a stage, know what to show'em

The endless possibilities to advance.

Life is, indeed, an amazing dance.


Given tasks and materials, have skills to exhibit

Creativity - not the sky - is the limit.

Functional Body Maintenance

Personal experience and self studies of nutrition and endocrine processes (thyroid issues, blood sugar etc), training and life style adjustments. Special interest in the counter-intuitive and much needed decoding of the falsified science area of medical practice.

I am all into.. Healing. And coaching too.

Life Coach

Indulging life's rudiments, like a cockroach?
Troubled by anything and everything, the survival approach?
Let's connect - Yours truly may become your life coach!

By posing hard questions, and facilitating answers
I may assist you at winning "life's cancers"
You may walk alone... Or I amplify your chances.



Looking for the next Challenge...

January 2021 - August 2023

Home office, Eskilstuna, Sweden

Hey, we moved! - Kinna, Sweden

Becoming unemployed without any good reason, I've taken courses in leadership, project and change management, Agile/Lean, 6Sigma, Artificial Intelligence basics, Python basics, and other areas.

I am all into making myself useful, so I pick and choose what resonates with my core values.

Doing some Inner work on myself, my competencies and abilities, I surveyed my former colleagues, to assess myself as colleague (very insightful):

  • What are my strong sides, i.e. characteristics, knowledge, skills

  • How should I develop myself, points of improvement

  • What have I contributed

Created a website, designed the graphics, getting fit with various graphics tools like GIMP.

I do some translations, finished translating a full-size book into Hebrew, and continue with the next one.

This is just a fraction of what I have on my plate on a daily basis - Translation, learning (internet courses on engineering topics) and building my professional life.

Every day in life is training day, and there is no time to waste.

Mechatronics @ Human Factors & User Experience

January 2019 - December 2020

Eskilstuna, Sweden, and home office

Volvo Construction Equipment

Working on next generations cab design, some ergonomic aspects of HMI parts of today's and tomorrow's machines:
- human interaction strategy (existing machines and future cab)
- sound design for next generation HMI ECU (with buzzer as fallback strategy)
- primary  and secondary controls' concepts, particularly early stage haptic feedback concept investigations
- optimizing Interaction with existing and next gen. HMI for reducing cognitive load.
- cross-functional work with the electronics, front-end development, sound system and connectivity for the future HMI ECU/node.
Make stuff more intuitive and user-friendly - build the box (operator environment) better, easier and safer for operation, by thinking in- and outside the box.

Driveline Control Developer

August 2013 - January 2019

Eskilstuna, Sweden

Volvo Construction Equipment

Transmission control development - articulated haulers (existing and New Articulated Hauler Transmission) and wheel loader (middle range and heavy) transmission.
Development by C-code, with RUBUS real time operating system, and some coding with Matlab Simulink and automatic code generation.
System engineering and diagnostics development and maintenance.
Tweaking and innovation (what right-brainers do best), innovation portal contributions, one pended patent.

Motivated by making the machines smarter and user-friendly (and slightly less traditional).

Calibration engineer, Diesel engine technology

May 2005 - Juli 2013

Stuttgart-Feuerbach, Germany

Calibration engineer for the Bosch Common-Rail electronic injection system:

Entailed the adjustments and collaboration with development teams and OEM-customers (main automotive manufacturers)


Electronic Diesel Control 17 (EDC17) - Calibration and development of Continuous Torque monitoring concept, calibration of Fuel Balance Control for Volvo Cars, calibration of model-based air system control for Ford Motor Company.

Robert Bosch GmbH

And earlier...
See previous experience


System/Function Developer

August 2023 - 

Home office Kinna, Sweden

and Arendal, Gothenburg

Cleeven (consultant at the customer Volvo Bus Corporation)

Working on system design of the chassis and body functions of busses, As some functions are developed in-house, some at remote locations and some by external service providers, all over the world, a good portion of the work is synchronizing with colleagues, helping and getting helped.

New design, Update an Carry Over - function design, End-User perspective, architecture, but also:

  • Bug fixes and fault tracing

  • CAN signals management

  • Function ownership and overview


Volvo Buses are on a journey for electrification, and so a new product pallette and new challenges are in the new and the horizon.

As an added chance to develop, I have the seen great potential for improvement in the organization's way of work, and I am happy to assist in onboarding (introducing new team members) and helping with my affinity to see the big picture, and make stuff (and staff) useful.




Master of Science Program

Mälardalens Högskola,

The Royal Institute of Technology

This program was divided between two schools,
- Mälardalens Högskola in Västerås, first 2 years of study
- Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, or The Royal Institute of Technology, the rest of the 5 terms (2.5 years, including master thesis)

Master Thesis

Department for Vehicle Assistance Systems

Daimler-Chrysler Research & Technology

HIL-Simulation of an Active Front Steering with a Steer-By-Wire Test Device

Nature Science gymnasial proficiency



Completion of high-school education:
Swedish, English, mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology


High School

High-school became a necessity with only a few honest challenges.

I was drawn more to hands-on work at that time: the mechanical workshop and the tractors, working with agriculture and machinery, or fixing bikes and scooters (Lambretta, Vespa), or the carting derivative thereof.

Literature was always interesting, languages were a breeze, the technical was to me the centerpiece.

The teachers made it better, or rather (and more often) worse.

Some Skills


Programming Languages

C (Driveline functions, embedded systems, microprocessors)

Java (university)

Python (self interest, basic skills)


Hebrew (native)

German (fluent)

Swedish (fluent)

English (fluent)

Italian, Polish, Spanish, Arabic (some rudimentary skills)


CorelDraw (self interest, photo editing)

PhotoShop (self interest, photo editing)

Adobe Xd (basic skills on-the-job, front-end UX)

GIMP (self interest, photo and logo editing)

Visio (on-the-job, diagrams, illustrations, presentations)

System Engineering

Concept design and system modeling (SE-tool)

System engineering maintenance (SE-Tool)


Diesel Technique

Continuous Torque Monitoring

Air system basics

Diesel Engine tech

Bosch Common Rail electronic diesel Control


Earth-Moving Machines (articulated haulers, wheel loaders, excavators)

Agricultural Machinery (tractors of all sizes, harvesters, forage machines, heavy-duty soil cultivation)

Military applications, terrain vehicles

Automotive applications (engine calibration and driver assistance systems)

Some "Soft Skills", aka Human Skills

Psychology (social, biological - self interest)

Neuro-linguistic Programming (Basic, self interest)

Project Management (a few courses, including Agile)

Personal development/Self-help

Functional Medicin

Nutrition (self interest, low-carbohydrate high fat, Primal/paleo, ketogenic, warrior diet, carb backloading)

Holistic health approach

Exercise & physical training (HIIT, body-weight/calisthenics)

Meditation/Mindfulness training

UX Engineering

customer needs and pain points finding

User Evaluations​

end-to-end customer experience

UX methods

Investigate, understand and communicate needs and expectations

Design Thinking for developing ideas for new & enhanced features

​UX front-end design (collaboration with developers)

Sound design


Cooking & baking (low-carb, do-it-all-yourself, gluten-free, sugar-free)

Carpentry (basic to medium-advanced)

Steel/Metal works (soldering/welding, construction work, basic technician)

Sewing, fabric works (bags, tactical equipment)

Gardening, grafting & pruning, landscaping

  • Recent Courses
    Effektivitet, Förluster och Mätetal (Efficiency, Losses and Metrics) - 2022-09-23 Tvärfunktionella Förbättringsteam (Cross-Functional Improvement Teams) - 2022-09-14 Agile at Work: Planning with Agile User Stories - 2022-09-12 5S - Grundkurs (5S - Basics) - 2022-03-31 6 Sigma White Belt - 2022-03-28 Agil förändringsledning (Agile Change Management) - 2022-04-05 Agil projektledning (Agile Project Management) - 2020-12-23 Agilt ledarskap - Grundkurs (Agile Leadership Basics) - 2022-04-22 Agilt ledarskap - Fördjupningskurs (Agile Leadership cont.) 2022-06-28 Att leda och samordna utan att vara chef (To lead and coordinate without being a supervisor) - 2022-03-22 Effektivt ledarskap - uppdrag mellanchef (Effective Leadership - Mission mid-level leader) - 2022-04-26 Entreprenörskap - Grundkurs (Entrepreneurship - basics) - 2022-04-07 Entreprenörskap och ledarskap (Entrepreneurship and Leadership) - 2022-04-25 Förändringsledning (Change Management) - 2021-11-23 Hitta ny inspiration i ditt jobbsökande (Find inspiration in your job search) - 2020-12-04 Hållbart Ledarskap (Sustainable Leadership) - 2022-07-08 Ledarskap - Grundkurs (Leadership - basics) - 2021-11-17 Ledarskap - Fördjupningskurs (Leadership - deep dive) - 2022-10-07 Projektledning - Grundkurs (Project Management - Basics) - 2020-12-09 Projektledning - Fördjupningskurs (Project Management - Cont.) - 2020-12-15 Starta eget - vägen till eget företag (Start your own - The Way to your own enterprise) - 2021-11-24
  • At Robert Bosch GmbH (Diesel Systems)
    Conflict solution with NLP Spanish Electronic Diesel Control (17) - Common Rail Diesel Combustion Engine technology Model-based Diesel Air/Exhaust system
  • Agriculture
    Agriculture Training (Rupin Education Center, Israel)
Training & Courses


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