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Hi, I am Ohad
Welcome to my world

Ohad at 5-years

Here's me at the age of five

still a bug in the hive...

What should you expect here?

To put it shortly? Something wonderful :-)


Still under construction, this site will develop along the way. So please bear with me.


This site is a culmination of what occupies my mind these days and what I have brought with me so far.

It should contain some bits and pieces of me

  • what makes me tick (Love and play being the operative terms)

  • How and why I tick

  • My "front-end", and my profile as a professional partner

  • My creative residue.

I hope looking around here will be a pleasant experience for you, or at the least a learning experience.

Anything and everything here is my own creation and opinions, unless stated otherwise. I expect some criticism. In all actuality, I seem to like it (how does that fit my horoscope, a Leo?...). But unless it is the constructive, loving kind (even "tough love" is fine), I suggest you write me a letter and mail it in the trash, then follow up on it, until it's burned to ashes. I'm old enough to stay clear of poisonous junk.

Home: Welcome

I’ve put a little effort into creating this site. admitted.

But writing is a skill I have long since gained. Apparently from nowhere.

I believe the web is the ideal platform to introduce myself, my work and my insights. Especially now, when other platforms, F***book being one of them, has gone rogue. Since I’ve always kind of dispersed between different echoes in my personality, this site includes a bit of everything.


Sooner than later, there will be a portfolio to look at.
Please don’t hesitate to send me your feedback.

Who am I?

My World, my Way, my Passion

In a nutshell, to put it very generic, yet hopefully elegant..

(Don't expect a lot generic here)


I am myself. Always. My façade is me.
I mean what I say and I say what I mean.
I live at home. Where I live is my home.
I possess my things, but they don't possess me.
I know a lot about a little and a little about a lot.
I am interested in the stimulating and cope with the boring, the mediocre and  the banal.
I am a good listener, to me and to you.
Intelligence, carisma and warmth are unbeaten properties in humans.
But without humor it's all bleak.

I am a poem by Creation itself.
Not necessarily better than others, or maybe so.

I am a believer, though not in any god.

I care about the important things and question the disputable.
Swedish Jantelagen is not for me.

They don't make dudes like me.
Not here. Not anymore. Not yet.
So don't judge me. Accept me.

If nothing goes radically wrong, I'm going to live very long.
You care for me and I will care for you.
We are all one.

Home: About Me
Home: Blog
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Home: Contact

Contact Me!

Sharing is mutual.

I am equally in awe when someone has a contribution to make, in the spirit of "let's grow together", life-long learning.

I believe we make the world a better place, by creation, play, love and sharing all the above.

Forgive me, and yourself, for being flawed, imperfect.

But together we are probably better.

Thanks for submitting!

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